A microframework for C based on GLib and bad intentions.

An example with template. It depends on more files. Take a look at it on the balde source code.

* balde: A microframework for C based on GLib and bad intentions.
* Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Rafael G. Martins <>
* This program can be distributed under the terms of the LGPL-2 License.
* See the file COPYING.
#include <balde.h>
#include "templates/hello.h"
hello(balde_app_t *app, balde_request_t *request)
const gchar *name = balde_request_get_arg(request, "name");
balde_response_set_tmpl_var(response, "name", name != NULL ? name : "World");
balde_template_hello(app, request, response);
return response;
main(int argc, char **argv)
balde_app_add_url_rule(app, "hello", "/", BALDE_HTTP_GET, hello);
balde_app_run(app, argc, argv);
return 0;